Ready to ditch the money stress and finally grow your bank account?

Does this sound familiar?

  • You make “good” or “decent” money, you pay all your bills and still indulge in getting your nails done, going out to brunch and buying clothes but you feel like you could be doing so much more with your money

  • You want to one day be able to buy a house, pay for your wedding, take a nice ass vacation somewhere, save for kids or retire early but you aren’t sure how you’re ever going to be able to do that with your current financial situation

  • You avoid your finances because it feels scary and stressful. You don't really think about the future with your $, except worry about not having enough. You have debt and it stresses you out. You have no idea when you could ever be debt free, have enough $ saved to feel comfortable or you may not even know what goals you want to have with your money

  • You have made a budget before and when you did it felt like you should have a lot of extra $ each month but you get to the end of the month and you don’t know where your money went. Budgeting made you feel restrictive with your money but you still lack a plan with your finances

  • You often find yourself wandering the aisles at Target when you’re stressed out and end up leaving with $200+ worth of stuff in your cart when you didn’t need any of it

Imagine how it would feel to:

  • Not feel broke everyday, pay off debt way earlier than you expected or be able to pay for all the things you've dreamed of. Buying a new car, putting down a deposit on a house, paying up front for your fancy vacation - all sooner than you expected

  • Have a plan for your money that doesn’t feel restrictive or time consuming to follow. You would know what to do with your $ when you get paid so you can spend less than 1 hour per week checking on your finances

  • Be able to spend money on the stuff you love while also putting $ in your savings every month

  • Have no more money drama - you get to spend money on things that you enjoy without feeling guilty and you don’t have to count on a calendar how many days your paycheck has to last you 

  • Have savings to cover an emergency that pops up so while yes it’s still an inconvenience you don’t have to also wonder about where the $ is going to come from - it’s already there

  • Have a clear understanding of what your financial goals are and when you are going to achieve them

Introducing Money School

The only personal finance course that blends psychology and personal finance strategy so you can finally start to save money and pay off debt without sacrificing the things you love.

This is not just another personal finance course!

Money School is the only program that combines psychology + personal finance strategy to not only help you understand your finances but also address your emotions and mindset around money.

This program will help you truly understand WHY money has been a struggle for you so that you can actually stick to a financial plan that makes sense for you. If you have struggled with sticking to your money goals, Money School is the missing piece.

If you're frustrated, lost, confused and overwhelmed by your finances, you're not alone. If you feel behind compared to others or feel like you are missing out on some hidden secret about money, Money School can help.

What's been missing from your personal finance journey is exactly what Money School teaches you. You can stop promising yourself that your next payday you will get your money shit together and actually see progress being made towards the bank account you want.

Money School will show you how to:

  • Manage your money in less time with less stress. With Money School's easy to follow system, you'll spend less than a few hours a month on your money so you have more time to do the things you love

  • Conquer your stress and anxiety around money once and for all so that you can spend money without guilt, fear or worry

  • Prioritize your money goals so that you can actually make progress and feel excited about your money instead of feeling like you're going nowhere fast and giving up, only to realize if you had never given up in the first place you'd be well on your way to taking a vacation you had saved for by now

  • Easily decrease your spending without feeling sad, deprived or pathetic

  • Reimagine your money beliefs while releasing stories from childhood that are contributing to your money struggles

Here's what you will get inside Money School:

  • Weekly assignments that help simplify seemingly complicated money concepts so that you can no longer feel overwhelmed or confused by your money

  • Psychology concepts broken down into bite-sized chunks to help you unpack where your money stress and worry is coming from so you can feel clear, confident, and calm when it comes to making money, spending it and saving it

  • 8 group coaching calls to get personalized feedback on your financial situation and help you better apply the course material to your personal situation

  • Access to a Facebook group where you can ask questions about the material as well as connect with everyone else in the program so you will get community support and a space to get your questions answered with your situation in mind

  • A pre-made budgeting template that saves you tons of time and makes tracking your money simple and easy to stick to so you can make continued forward progress

  • A unique-to-you money plan that accounts for your personal life - no cookie cutter plans here!

  • ZERO shame. I do not judge you for whatever your current financial situation is nor do I tell you what to do. It’s your money and you get to decide what you want to do with it. I help give you options and education so you can make an informed decision for YOU. 

  • Psychology + personal finance strategy so you’re not just being force fed another financial plan you won’t stick to and you’re not just learning money manifestation techniques. This is legit psychology from a licensed therapist (please note I am not YOUR therapist during our time together) so this will be real mindset techniques you can use.

Get access for only $1297 today!

Meet your money coach

Hi! I’m Hannah Brown, licensed mental health therapist and money coach. A few years ago I was constantly stressed about money, had $0 in savings and over 8K+ of credit card debt (on top of a car loan and 100K of student loan debt!) I never had a plan with my money and just thought money was all a bunch of math which is why I wasn’t good at it.

My money stress really started in grad school where I had no idea how to manage my money and thought a solid plan was putting everything on my credit card and hoping one day to pay it off. After I graduated I got a clinical job where I was getting paid the most $ I had ever made but still felt stressed about money. 

Then I made the switch to private practice and no longer had a steady paycheck but instead only got paid when I saw clients. This made my money stress sky rocket. 

The final breakdown was my dog needing emergency surgery. After I maxed out all my credit cards, I still could not afford the surgery because I had $0 in savings to pay for it. I say in the waiting room sobbing while filling out another credit card application all while wondering if my dog was going to be okay. Once I started crying to my therapist about my $ problems, I knew something needed to change.

I finally started figuring out a plan with my money and understanding my finances - and y’all I did not go to school for this so if I can learn this stuff, so can you! 

Now I have an emergency fund to cover any unexpected cost. My partner and I saved and paid for our wedding all on our own. We have paid off 22K of debt. I did this all while still living my life and traveling which is my favorite thing to spend money on.

I also still have debt I’m working on paying off and don’t make a 6 figure income (even with my partner's income!) so I teach from a place of relatability and understand how you’re feeling because I’ve been through it too!

Money School is for you if:

  • You are finally ready to ditch the money stress and make your hard earned money work for you

  • You want to address your emotions and mindset around money so you can finally have a better relationship with money that feels easy instead of stressful

  • You are willing to dedicate 1 hour each week to your financial wellness for the next 5 months

  • You have tried to keep a budget but it never seems to work out and you think personal finance info seems overwhelming or time consuming to learn

  • You need some level of accountability and support around figuring out your finances because you haven’t been able to do it alone up until this point

  • You want to feel understood by your money coach and not preached to by some old man trying to explain to you why you need to pay off your debt ASAP by not going to Starbucks. You will get financial education that is easy to understand and relatable.

Get access for only $1297 today!

Here's why you don't want to wait:

  • With your finances, time is literally on your side. The sooner you get this shit figured out the better. You don’t want to keep putting this off and wake up one day when you’re 45 and realize you still have nothing saved.

  • If you have debt, your interest is accruing at such a high amount - the longer you keep waiting to figure out a plan the more money it’s costing you. Time is literally money with debt so you want to get started ASAP. 

  • The more you wait to figure out your money the more you’re probably telling yourself “I’m just bad with money” and then all your actions are confirming that belief because you just don’t know what you don’t know. Once you have the education you need you can make more informed decisions and start to believe that you can be good with money!

  • This course starts January 3 which means you can spend the first half of 2022 figuring out your finances when everything is at zero. It’s a new year, you’re not in the red, your books are at zero, it’s a clean slate. Don’t let another year pass you before you start taking your $ seriously. 

  • This is the lowest price this course will ever be. The next time I run this the price will go up so you will be saving money by enrolling now.


  • When does the program start/end?

    The program starts on January 3, 2022 and will end on May 27, 2022.

  • When will the group calls be?

    This is a rough schedule of when the group calls will be but the final schedule could change depending on enrollment and other factors. All calls will be recorded if you can’t make it live and you can send your questions in ahead of time.

    Call #1: Monday January 24, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #2: Monday February 7, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #3: Monday February 22, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #4: Monday March 14, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #5: Monday April 4, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #6: Monday April 18, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #7: Monday May 2, 2022 at 6PM CST

    Call #8: Monday May 23, 2022 at 6PM CST

  • Where will this all take place?

    You get access to the course curriculum on Thinkific which you will get a login for. You will also get access to a private Facebook group with the other group members for questions on the material between calls. The group calls will take place on Zoom. 

  • Can’t I figure out this information for free?

    Unfortunately, no. Your unique perspective and relationship with money was formed by the time you were 7 years old. Uncovering your fears and desires with money as well as what has been keeping you stuck will not be found on the other end of an Instagram graphic or a google search. It if were that easy we would all be millionaires with zero money bullshit to work through.

  • I don’t make a lot of money, is this program for me?

    Yep! As long as paying for this program will not put you in a financial hardship, then this program is for you. What matters more than your income is what you’re doing with your money. If you learn to manage your $ now, then when you get a pay increase in the future you will only hit your money goals faster and not just increase your lifestyle.

  • How much time will this take me?

    The modules and lessons are created to be completed within an hour or so of your time each week and then each group call will be about an hour when they happen so about 6-10 hours a month. Once you get comfortable with your finances, after the program you will only need to check in on your finances for about 1-2 hours per month!

  • I can’t afford this/this is too expensive.

    Investing in yourself can feel scary, especially if you're used to feeling scarcity around your money. The last thing you want to do is feel like you're wasting money when your biggest stressor is money. I totally get it! I also get that you want to get to the point where spending money (especially to better yourself and your future) doesn't feel scary at all. If you want to confidently be able to spend money on yourself in the future without feeling nervous, then Money School is for you. The more nervous you are to spend money on this program, the more you probably need it. My goal for you after finishing Money School would be able to choose to spend $ on what’s important to you without having to even stress about it - imagine what that would feel like!

  • It’s going to take 5 months to figure out all this information, why so long?

    Figuring out your money is not an overnight fix. It took me years to truly understand my finances and feel good about money again. I have created this program to help you truly figure out your money bullshit first before we even get into financial strategy. So once we make a financial plan that works for you, then you can actually stick to it having addressed your mindset and emotions around money. This program will take you through all  the necessary & commonly overlooked personal finance steps and help you create a plan for the future and will give you all the information you need to understand your finances and make more informed decisions with your money. So yes, it’s not going to take a few weeks to do all that so this program is timed in a way that makes sense for your learning and growth. 

  • I share finances with someone else, can we both do the program?

    Yes! If you have combined finances with a partner or even if you just live together and have your accounts completely separate, I encourage both of you to participate in the program. Getting on the same page with money is a key part of a healthy relationship!